package { import away3d.animators.ParticleAnimationSet; import away3d.animators.ParticleAnimator; import; import; import away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleAccelerationNode; import away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleBillboardNode; import away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleColorNode; import away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleFollowNode; import away3d.animators.nodes.ParticlePositionNode; import away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleScaleNode; import away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleVelocityNode; import away3d.cameras.lenses.PerspectiveLens; import away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D; import away3d.containers.View3D; import away3d.controllers.HoverController; import away3d.core.base.Geometry; import away3d.core.base.ParticleGeometry; import away3d.debug.AwayStats; import away3d.entities.Mesh; import away3d.lights.DirectionalLight; import away3d.lights.PointLight; import away3d.materials.TextureMaterial; import away3d.materials.TextureMultiPassMaterial; import away3d.materials.lightpickers.StaticLightPicker; import away3d.materials.methods.FogMethod; import away3d.primitives.PlaneGeometry; import; import away3d.utils.Cast; import awayphysics.collision.shapes.AWPBoxShape; import awayphysics.collision.shapes.AWPSphereShape; import awayphysics.dynamics.AWPDynamicsWorld; import awayphysics.dynamics.AWPRigidBody; import flash.display.BlendMode; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.StageAlign; import flash.display.StageDisplayState; import flash.display.StageQuality; import flash.display.StageScaleMode; import; import; import; import; import flash.geom.ColorTransform; import flash.geom.Vector3D; import flash.ui.Mouse; import flash.ui.MouseCursor; import flash.utils.Timer; [SWF(backgroundColor = "#000000", frameRate = "60")] public class Main extends Sprite { //---------------------------------------------------------- // // Static Property // //---------------------------------------------------------- //fire texture [Embed(source = "../embeds/blue.png")] public static var FireTexture:Class; //plane textures [Embed(source = "/../embeds/floor_diffuse.jpg")] public static var FloorDiffuse:Class; [Embed(source = "/../embeds/floor_specular.jpg")] public static var FloorSpecular:Class; [Embed(source = "/../embeds/floor_normal.jpg")] public static var FloorNormals:Class; private static const NUM_FIRES:uint = 20; //---------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor // //---------------------------------------------------------- public function Main() { if (stage) init(); else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // // Property // //---------------------------------------------------------- private var cameraController:HoverController; private var collisions:Vector.; private var countFrame:int = 0; private var countStep:int = 0; private var easeDistance:Number = 2000; private var fireAnimationSet:ParticleAnimationSet private var fireObjects:Vector. = new Vector.(); private var lastMouseX:Number; private var lastMouseY:Number; private var lastPanAngle:Number; private var lastTiltAngle:Number; private var lightDirectional:DirectionalLight; private var lightPicker:StaticLightPicker; private var move:Boolean = false; private var particleAccelerationNode:ParticleAccelerationNode; private var particleFollowNode:ParticleFollowNode; private var particleGeometry:ParticleGeometry; private var particleMaterial:TextureMaterial; private var particleScaleNode:ParticleScaleNode; private var physicsWorld:AWPDynamicsWorld; private var planeMaterial:TextureMultiPassMaterial; private var timeStep:Number = 1.0 / 60; private var view3D:View3D; //---------------------------------------------------------- // // Function // //---------------------------------------------------------- private function init(e:Event = null):void { removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; stage.quality = StageQuality.LOW; view3D = new View3D(); view3D.antiAlias = 0; = 20000; ( as PerspectiveLens).fieldOfView = 70; this.addChild(view3D); this.addChild(new AwayStats(view3D, true, false)); //setup controller to be used on the camera cameraController = new HoverController(; cameraController.distance = easeDistance; cameraController.minTiltAngle = -3; cameraController.maxTiltAngle = 40; cameraController.panAngle = 45; cameraController.tiltAngle = 5; cameraController.steps = 20; // init the physics world physicsWorld = AWPDynamicsWorld.getInstance(); physicsWorld.initWithDbvtBroadphase(); physicsWorld.gravity = new Vector3D(0, -75, 0); reset(); initLights(); initMaterials(); initParticles(); initObjects(); initListeners(); Mouse.cursor = MouseCursor.HAND; } /** * Initialise the listeners */ private function initListeners():void { stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, stage_resizeHandler); stage_resizeHandler(null); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, stage_keyDownHandler); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, stage_mouseWheelHandler); } /** * Initialise the lights */ private function initLights():void { lightDirectional = new DirectionalLight(0, -1, 0.1); lightDirectional.castsShadows = false; lightDirectional.color = 0x993300; lightDirectional.diffuse = 1; lightDirectional.ambient = .0; lightDirectional.specular = 0.25; lightDirectional.ambientColor = 0x0; view3D.scene.addChild(lightDirectional); lightPicker = new StaticLightPicker([lightDirectional]); } /** * Initialise the materials */ private function initMaterials():void { var fog:FogMethod = new FogMethod(3000, 4500, 0x0); planeMaterial = new TextureMultiPassMaterial(Cast.bitmapTexture(FloorDiffuse)); planeMaterial.specularMap = Cast.bitmapTexture(FloorSpecular); planeMaterial.normalMap = Cast.bitmapTexture(FloorNormals); planeMaterial.lightPicker = lightPicker; planeMaterial.repeat = true; planeMaterial.smooth = false; planeMaterial.mipmap = false; planeMaterial.specular = 15; planeMaterial.addMethod(fog); particleMaterial = new TextureMaterial(Cast.bitmapTexture(FireTexture)); particleMaterial.blendMode = BlendMode.ADD; particleMaterial.smooth = false; particleMaterial.mipmap = false; particleMaterial.alphaBlending = false; } /** * Initialise the particles */ private function initParticles():void { //create the particle animation set fireAnimationSet = new ParticleAnimationSet(true, true); //add some animations which can control the particles: //the global animations can be set directly, because they influence all the particles with the same factor fireAnimationSet.addAnimation(new ParticleBillboardNode()); fireAnimationSet.addAnimation(new ParticlePositionNode(ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC)); fireAnimationSet.addAnimation(particleScaleNode = new ParticleScaleNode(ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL, false, false, 2, 0.5)); fireAnimationSet.addAnimation(particleFollowNode = new ParticleFollowNode(true, false)); fireAnimationSet.addAnimation(particleAccelerationNode = new ParticleAccelerationNode(0, new Vector3D(0, 1000, 0))); fireAnimationSet.addAnimation(new ParticleColorNode(ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL, true, true, false, false, new ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 0xFF, 0x66, 0x22), new ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 0x99))); //no need to set the local animations here, because they influence all the particle with different factors. fireAnimationSet.addAnimation(new ParticleVelocityNode(ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC)); //set the initParticleFunc. It will be invoked for the local static property initialization of every particle fireAnimationSet.initParticleFunc = initParticleFunc; //create the original particle geometry var particle:Geometry = new PlaneGeometry(50, 50, 1, 1, false); //combine them into a list var geometrySet:Vector. = new Vector.; for (var i:int = 0; i < 50; i++) geometrySet.push(particle); particleGeometry = ParticleGeometryHelper.generateGeometry(geometrySet); } /** * Initialise the scene objects */ private function initObjects():void { // create the terrain mesh var plane:Mesh = new Mesh(new PlaneGeometry(6000, 6000), planeMaterial); plane.geometry.scaleUV(6, 6); plane.y = 200; view3D.scene.addChild(plane); // create the terrain shape and rigidbody var earthShape:AWPBoxShape = new AWPBoxShape(50000, 200, 50000); // 大きめのサイズで用意 var earthBody:AWPRigidBody = new AWPRigidBody(earthShape, plane, 0); earthBody.friction = 0.9; earthBody.restitution = 0.5; earthBody.y = -500; physicsWorld.addRigidBody(earthBody); //create fire object meshes from geomtry and material, and apply particle animators to each for (var i:int = 0; i < NUM_FIRES; i++) { var particleMesh:Mesh = new Mesh(particleGeometry, particleMaterial); var animator:ParticleAnimator = new ParticleAnimator(fireAnimationSet); particleMesh.animator = animator; particleFollowNode.getAnimationState(animator).followTarget = collisions[i].skin; //create a fire object and add it to the fire object vector var fireObject:FireVO = new FireVO(particleMesh, animator); fireObjects.push(fireObject); view3D.scene.addChild(particleMesh); createFireLight(fireObject); } var particleMain:Mesh = new Mesh(particleGeometry, particleMaterial); particleMain.y = -300; var animatorMain:ParticleAnimator = new ParticleAnimator(fireAnimationSet); particleScaleNode.getAnimationState(animatorMain).maxScale = 15; particleAccelerationNode.getAnimationState(animatorMain).acceleration = new Vector3D(0, 10000, 0); particleMain.animator = animatorMain; animatorMain.start(); view3D.scene.addChild(particleMain); } /** * Returns an array of active lights in the scene */ private function getAllLights():Array { var lights:Array = []; lights.push(lightDirectional); for each (var fireVO:FireVO in fireObjects) { if (fireVO.light) lights.push(fireVO.light); } return lights; } /** * Timer event handler */ private function createFireLight(fireObject:FireVO):void { //start the animator fireObject.animator.start(); //create the lightsource var light:PointLight = new PointLight(); light.color = 0xFF6622; light.diffuse = 0; light.specular = 0; light.position = fireObject.mesh.position; //add the lightsource to the fire object fireObject.light = light; //update the lightpicker lightPicker.lights = getAllLights(); } /** * Initialiser function for particle properties */ private function initParticleFunc(prop:ParticleProperties):void { prop.startTime = Math.random() * 2; prop.duration = Math.random() * 0.6 + 0.1; var r:Number = 600; prop[ParticleVelocityNode.VELOCITY_VECTOR3D] = new Vector3D( r * (Math.random() - 0.5), r * (Math.random() - 0.5), r * (Math.random() - 0.5)); r = 10; prop[ParticlePositionNode.POSITION_VECTOR3D] = new Vector3D( r * (Math.random() - 0.5), r * (Math.random() - 0.5), r * (Math.random() - 0.5)); } private function enterFrameHandler(e:Event):void { if (move) { cameraController.panAngle = 0.4 * (stage.mouseX - lastMouseX) + lastPanAngle; cameraController.tiltAngle = 0.4 * (stage.mouseY - lastMouseY) + lastTiltAngle; } if (countFrame++ % 5 == 0) { var index:int = countStep % collisions.length; resetObject(collisions[index]); countStep++; } try { physicsWorld.step(timeStep); } catch (error:Error) { // たまにエラーが起きるので封印 } //animate lights var fireVO:FireVO; for (var i:int = 0; i < fireObjects.length; i++) { fireVO = fireObjects[i]; //update flame light var light:PointLight = fireVO.light; if (fireVO.strength < 1) fireVO.strength += 0.1; if (light == null) continue; light.fallOff = 1080 + Math.random() * 20; light.radius = 1; light.diffuse = light.specular = fireVO.strength + Math.random() * .2; light.position = collisions[i].position; } view3D.render(); } private function reset():void { var i:int; var body:AWPRigidBody; if (collisions == null) { // create rigidbody shapes var sphereShape:AWPSphereShape = new AWPSphereShape(30); collisions = new Vector.(); for (i = 0; i < NUM_FIRES; i++) { // create cylinders var skin:ObjectContainer3D = new ObjectContainer3D() view3D.scene.addChild(skin); body = new AWPRigidBody(sphereShape, skin, 1); body.restitution = 0.75; physicsWorld.addRigidBody(body); collisions.push(body); } collisions.fixed = true; } for (i = 0; i < collisions.length; i++) { // create cylinders body = collisions[i]; resetObject(body); } } private function resetObject(body:AWPRigidBody):void { body.position = resetPosition(); body.clearForces(); body.applyCentralForce(new Vector3D()); body.applyImpulse(new Vector3D( 5 * (Math.random() - 0.5), 15 + 30 * Math.random(), 5 * (Math.random() - 0.5)), new Vector3D(0, 0, 0)); } private function resetPosition():Vector3D { const ROUND:int = 300; return new Vector3D(ROUND * (Math.random() - 0.5), -300, ROUND * (Math.random() - 0.5)) } /** * Mouse down listener for navigation */ private function onMouseDown(event:MouseEvent):void { lastPanAngle = cameraController.panAngle; lastTiltAngle = cameraController.tiltAngle; lastMouseX = stage.mouseX; lastMouseY = stage.mouseY; move = true; stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, onStageMouseLeave); } /** * Mouse up listener for navigation */ private function onMouseUp(event:MouseEvent):void { move = false; stage.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, onStageMouseLeave); } /** * Mouse stage leave listener for navigation */ private function onStageMouseLeave(event:Event):void { move = false; stage.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, onStageMouseLeave); } private function stage_mouseWheelHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { easeDistance -= * 5; if (easeDistance < 400) easeDistance = 400; else if (easeDistance > 3000) easeDistance = 3000; cameraController.distance = easeDistance; } private function stage_keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void { if (event.keyCode == "F".charCodeAt()) { if (stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN) stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL; else stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN; } } private function stage_resizeHandler(event:Event):void { view3D.width = stage.stageWidth; view3D.height = stage.stageHeight; } } } import away3d.animators.ParticleAnimator; import away3d.entities.Mesh; import away3d.lights.PointLight; /** * Data class for the fire objects */ internal class FireVO { //---------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor // //---------------------------------------------------------- public function FireVO(mesh:Mesh, animator:ParticleAnimator):void { this.mesh = mesh; this.animator = animator; } //---------------------------------------------------------- // // Property // //---------------------------------------------------------- public var animator:ParticleAnimator; public var light:PointLight; public var mesh:Mesh; public var strength:Number = 0; }