/// /* Creating fire effects with particles in Away3D Demonstrates: How to setup a particle geometry and particle animationset in order to simulate fire. How to stagger particle animation instances with different animator objects running on different timers. How to apply fire lighting to a floor mesh using a multipass material. Code by Rob Bateman & Liao Cheng rob@infiniteturtles.co.uk http://www.infiniteturtles.co.uk liaocheng210@126.com This code is distributed under the MIT License Copyright (c) The Away Foundation http://www.theawayfoundation.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ module examples { import ParticleAnimationSet = away.animators.ParticleAnimationSet; import ParticlePropertiesMode = away.animators.ParticlePropertiesMode; import ParticleBillboardNode = away.animators.ParticleBillboardNode; import ParticleScaleNode = away.animators.ParticleScaleNode; import ParticleVelocityNode = away.animators.ParticleVelocityNode; import ParticleColorNode = away.animators.ParticleColorNode; import ParticleAnimator = away.animators.ParticleAnimator; import ParticleProperties = away.animators.ParticleProperties; import Geometry = away.base.Geometry; import ParticleGeometry = away.base.ParticleGeometry; import Camera3D = away.cameras.Camera3D; import Scene3D = away.containers.Scene3D; import View3D = away.containers.View3D; import HoverController = away.controllers.HoverController; import BlendMode = away.display.BlendMode; import Mesh = away.entities.Mesh; import TimerEvent = away.events.TimerEvent; import ColorTransform = away.geom.ColorTransform; import Vector3D = away.geom.Vector3D; import DirectionalLight = away.lights.DirectionalLight; import TextureMaterial = away.materials.TextureMaterial; import TextureMultiPassMaterial = away.materials.TextureMultiPassMaterial; import StaticLightPicker = away.materials.StaticLightPicker; import PlaneGeometry = away.primitives.PlaneGeometry; import ParticleGeometryHelper = away.tools.ParticleGeometryHelper; import Cast = away.utils.Cast; import RequestAnimationFrame = away.utils.RequestAnimationFrame import Timer = away.utils.Timer; export class Basic_Fire { private static NUM_FIRES:number /*uint*/ = 10; //engine variables private scene:Scene3D; private camera:Camera3D; private view:View3D; private cameraController:HoverController; //material objects private planeMaterial:TextureMultiPassMaterial; private particleMaterial:TextureMaterial; //light objects private directionalLight:DirectionalLight; private lightPicker:StaticLightPicker; //particle objects private fireAnimationSet:ParticleAnimationSet; private particleGeometry:ParticleGeometry; private fireTimer:Timer; //scene objects private plane:Mesh; private fireObjects:Array = new Array(); //navigation variables private timer:RequestAnimationFrame; private time:number = 0; private move:boolean = false; private lastPanAngle:number; private lastTiltAngle:number; private lastMouseX:number; private lastMouseY:number; /** * Constructor */ constructor() { this.init(); } /** * Global initialise function */ private init():void { this.initEngine(); this.initLights(); this.initMaterials(); this.initParticles(); this.initObjects(); this.initListeners(); } /** * Initialise the engine */ private initEngine():void { this.scene = new Scene3D(); this.camera = new Camera3D(); this.view = new View3D(); this.view.antiAlias = 4; this.view.scene = this.scene; this.view.camera = this.camera; //setup controller to be used on the camera this.cameraController = new HoverController(this.camera); this.cameraController.distance = 1000; this.cameraController.minTiltAngle = 0; this.cameraController.maxTiltAngle = 90; this.cameraController.panAngle = 45; this.cameraController.tiltAngle = 20; } /** * Initialise the lights */ private initLights():void { this.directionalLight = new DirectionalLight(0, -1, 0); this.directionalLight.castsShadows = false; this.directionalLight.color = 0xeedddd; this.directionalLight.diffuse = .5; this.directionalLight.ambient = .5; this.directionalLight.specular = 0; this.directionalLight.ambientColor = 0x808090; this.view.scene.addChild(this.directionalLight); this.lightPicker = new StaticLightPicker([this.directionalLight]); } /** * Initialise the materials */ private initMaterials():void { this.planeMaterial = new TextureMultiPassMaterial(); this.planeMaterial.lightPicker = this.lightPicker; this.planeMaterial.repeat = true; this.planeMaterial.mipmap = false; this.planeMaterial.specular = 10; this.particleMaterial = new TextureMaterial(); this.particleMaterial.blendMode = BlendMode.ADD; } /** * Initialise the particles */ private initParticles():void { //create the particle animation set this.fireAnimationSet = new ParticleAnimationSet(true, true); //add some animations which can control the particles: //the global animations can be set directly, because they influence all the particles with the same factor this.fireAnimationSet.addAnimation(new ParticleBillboardNode()); this.fireAnimationSet.addAnimation(new ParticleScaleNode(ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL, false, false, 2.5, 0.5)); this.fireAnimationSet.addAnimation(new ParticleVelocityNode(ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL, new Vector3D(0, 80, 0))); this.fireAnimationSet.addAnimation(new ParticleColorNode(ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL, true, true, false, false, new ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 0xFF, 0x33, 0x01), new ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1, 0x99))); //no need to set the local animations here, because they influence all the particle with different factors. this.fireAnimationSet.addAnimation(new ParticleVelocityNode(ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC)); //set the initParticleFunc. It will be invoked for the local static property initialization of every particle this.fireAnimationSet.initParticleFunc = this.initParticleFunc; //create the original particle geometry var particle:Geometry = new PlaneGeometry(10, 10, 1, 1, false); //combine them into a list var geometrySet:Array = new Array(); for (var i:number /*int*/ = 0; i < 500; i++) geometrySet.push(particle); this.particleGeometry = ParticleGeometryHelper.generateGeometry(geometrySet); } /** * Initialise the scene objects */ private initObjects():void { this.plane = new Mesh(new PlaneGeometry(1000, 1000), this.planeMaterial); this.plane.geometry.scaleUV(2, 2); this.plane.y = -20; this.scene.addChild(this.plane); //create fire object meshes from geomtry and material, and apply particle animators to each for (var i:number /*int*/ = 0; i < Basic_Fire.NUM_FIRES; i++) { var particleMesh:Mesh = new Mesh(this.particleGeometry, this.particleMaterial); var animator:ParticleAnimator = new ParticleAnimator(this.fireAnimationSet); particleMesh.animator = animator; //position the mesh var degree:number = i / Basic_Fire.NUM_FIRES * Math.PI * 2; particleMesh.x = Math.sin(degree) * 400; particleMesh.z = Math.cos(degree) * 400; particleMesh.y = 5; //create a fire object and add it to the fire object vector this.fireObjects.push(new FireVO(particleMesh, animator)); this.view.scene.addChild(particleMesh); } //setup timer for triggering each particle aniamtor this.fireTimer = new Timer(1000, this.fireObjects.length); this.fireTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.onTimer, this); this.fireTimer.start(); } /** * Initialise the listeners */ private initListeners():void { window.onresize = (event) => this.onResize(event); document.onmousedown = (event) => this.onMouseDown(event); document.onmouseup = (event) => this.onMouseUp(event); document.onmousemove = (event) => this.onMouseMove(event); this.onResize(); this.timer = new away.utils.RequestAnimationFrame(this.onEnterFrame, this); this.timer.start(); away.library.AssetLibrary.addEventListener(away.events.LoaderEvent.RESOURCE_COMPLETE, this.onResourceComplete, this); //plane textures away.library.AssetLibrary.load(new away.net.URLRequest("assets/floor_diffuse.jpg")); away.library.AssetLibrary.load(new away.net.URLRequest("assets/floor_normal.jpg")); away.library.AssetLibrary.load(new away.net.URLRequest("assets/floor_specular.jpg")); //particle texture away.library.AssetLibrary.load(new away.net.URLRequest("assets/blue.png")); } /** * Initialiser for particle properties */ private initParticleFunc(prop:ParticleProperties):void { prop.startTime = Math.random()*5; prop.duration = Math.random() * 4 + 0.1; var degree1:number = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; var degree2:number = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; var r:number = 15; prop[ParticleVelocityNode.VELOCITY_VECTOR3D] = new Vector3D(r * Math.sin(degree1) * Math.cos(degree2), r * Math.cos(degree1) * Math.cos(degree2), r * Math.sin(degree2)); } /** * Returns an array of active lights in the scene */ private getAllLights():Array { var lights:Array = new Array(); lights.push(this.directionalLight); var fireVO:FireVO; for (var i:number /*uint*/ = 0; i < this.fireObjects.length; i++) { fireVO = this.fireObjects[i]; if (fireVO.light) lights.push(fireVO.light); } return lights; } /** * Timer event handler */ private onTimer(e:TimerEvent):void { var fireObject:FireVO = this.fireObjects[this.fireTimer.currentCount-1]; //start the animator fireObject.animator.start(); //create the lightsource var light:PointLight = new PointLight(); light.color = 0xFF3301; light.diffuse = 0; light.specular = 0; light.position = fireObject.mesh.position; //add the lightsource to the fire object fireObject.light = light; //update the lightpicker this.lightPicker.lights = this.getAllLights(); } /** * Navigation and render loop */ private onEnterFrame(dt:number):void { this.time += dt; //animate lights var fireVO:FireVO; for (var i:number /*uint*/ = 0; i < this.fireObjects.length; i++) { fireVO = this.fireObjects[i]; //update flame light var light : PointLight = fireVO.light; if (!light) continue; if (fireVO.strength < 1) fireVO.strength += 0.1; light.fallOff = 380+Math.random()*20; light.radius = 200+Math.random()*30; light.diffuse = light.specular = fireVO.strength+Math.random()*.2; } this.view.render(); } /** * Listener function for resource complete event on asset library */ private onResourceComplete (event:away.events.LoaderEvent) { var assets:away.library.IAsset[] = event.assets; var length:number = assets.length; for ( var c : number = 0 ; c < length ; c ++ ) { var asset:away.library.IAsset = assets[c]; console.log(asset.name, event.url); switch (event.url) { //plane textures case "assets/floor_diffuse.jpg" : this.planeMaterial.texture = away.library.AssetLibrary.getAsset(asset.name); break; case "assets/floor_normal.jpg" : this.planeMaterial.normalMap = away.library.AssetLibrary.getAsset(asset.name); break; case "assets/floor_specular.jpg" : this.planeMaterial.specularMap = away.library.AssetLibrary.getAsset(asset.name); break; //particle texture case "assets/blue.png" : this.particleMaterial.texture = away.library.AssetLibrary.getAsset(asset.name); break; } } } /** * Mouse down listener for navigation */ private onMouseDown(event):void { this.lastPanAngle = this.cameraController.panAngle; this.lastTiltAngle = this.cameraController.tiltAngle; this.lastMouseX = event.clientX; this.lastMouseY = event.clientY; this.move = true; } /** * Mouse up listener for navigation */ private onMouseUp(event):void { this.move = false; } private onMouseMove(event) { if (this.move) { this.cameraController.panAngle = 0.3*(event.clientX - this.lastMouseX) + this.lastPanAngle; this.cameraController.tiltAngle = 0.3*(event.clientY - this.lastMouseY) + this.lastTiltAngle; } } /** * stage listener for resize events */ private onResize(event = null):void { this.view.y = 0; this.view.x = 0; this.view.width = window.innerWidth; this.view.height = window.innerHeight; } } } import ParticleAnimator = away.animators.ParticleAnimator; import Mesh = away.entities.Mesh; import PointLight = away.lights.PointLight; /** * Data class for the fire objects */ class FireVO { public mesh : Mesh; public animator : ParticleAnimator; public light : PointLight; public strength : number = 0; constructor(mesh:Mesh, animator:ParticleAnimator) { this.mesh = mesh; this.animator = animator; } } window.onload = function () { new examples.Basic_Fire(); }