This is 3D physics simulation demo. I use these as3 library, Papervision3D, jiglibflash (physics), SiON (dynamic sound), Stardust (particle engine).
This demo use Accelometer Class for gravity. If you have android device, you can try Android version.
This is my 3D particle demo. I use Papervision3D and ActionScript particle engine “Stardust “. If you want this source code, you can get on wonderfl. Enjoy.
I create particle demo build with Papervision3D for the technical book of wonderfl . BitmapEffectLayer is effective for drawing particles.
And I posted demo & source code at wonderfl (here ).
I create flash demo with Papervision3D and Stardust – as3 particle engine. Stardust supports 2D and 3D and easy to extend.
Three demo of learning is posted at wonderfl. Source code and demo is here.
This is Papervision3D 2.1 demo. I try to run faster flat shading.
Main logic is these steps.
[1] make Array of BitmapData as chache
[2] check z-axis of all faces
[3] calculate radian between z-axis of face and z-axis of target direction
[4] replace bitmap from cache data depend on radian.
Continue reading [PV3D] Custom Flat Shader →
I made Xmas sky demo with particle of Papervision3D. You can post into xmas sky by twitter . (input message into [])
This demo’s source is in wonderfl. enjoy!
I create the demo for wonderfl checkmate . This is new music interface such as tenori-on and we can make music by cooperating in the user on internet. Let’s enjoy!
Cool Tools
I make pv3d demo with BetweenAS3 which is fastest tween library. It’s possible to slice or scale tween instance with BetweenAS3. We can make “time strech motion”.
demo (require Flash Player 10)
And you can get source code in wonderfl.
Hi! My flash demos are opened in labs page . It is possible for you to download 34 demo’s source code.
My main theme of learing flash is Papervision3D . I’m going to make flash demo everyday , and upload to labs, as much as possible.
I made 3 demo for comparing with Away3D , Alternativa3D and Papervision3D.
It is difficult for me to judge whether the performance is the highest. Because there are various factors such as achievement or speed.
However, I can be judged that Papervision3D speed is faster than Away3D and Alternativa3D, as long as this demo is looked.
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