I created the Earth 3D graphics with Away3D 4.0 GOLD. You can see the best view in sunset and sunrise.
And I also created the moon 3D graphics with same Away3D Framework.
I created the Earth 3D graphics with Away3D 4.0 GOLD. You can see the best view in sunset and sunrise.
And I also created the moon 3D graphics with same Away3D Framework.
I create 3D particle demo with Away3D and Flint. I like star and cloudy particle.
Usage Library
I create depth of field blur demo with Away3D 4.0 alpha.
Usage Library
I created two simple demo of AwayPhysics. AwayPhysics is a physics library with Away3D 4.0 alpha running on Stage3D. This is faster than JiglibFlash.
100 Cube Version
100 Sphere Version
I create the Panorama VR demo by Stage3D with Alternativa3D. You can see 360 degree angle by drag and drop.
Spherical VR Version
Cubic VR Version
I created a CoverFlow demo with ND2D which is the 2D framework running on Stage3D. I have contributed the article of CoverFlow with Alternativa3D. This is an another version of CoverFlow demo.
I create particle demo with Starling Framework. The wave graphics is made by Frocessing in Spark project, the particle graphics is made by Starling Framework.