Title : Bump Mapping Globe
I challange bump mapping to sphere with Papervision3D.
Title : Bump Mapping Globe
I challange bump mapping to sphere with Papervision3D.
Title : Shadow Cubes
I think that shadow on PV3D is difficult. But zupko.info introduce way to make shadow, I try make shadow sample.
QuadTree support with PaperVison3D resolve cross polygon issues. This demo can switch using render engine, these are QuadrantRenderEngine and BasicRenderEngine, by clicking stage.
Title : Winding slate
Title : Swinging flag
Title : Recycling Points of Skew
I like as3dmod motion. The library make primitive object winding. I make 3 demos whick is used as3dmod library on Papervision3D 2.0 beta.
I study newer Class of FileReference on Flash Player 10 (Astro). I make Papervision3D sample which is available for saving and loaing of local image to PV3D texture. The texture image’s width and height is 1000×500 px.
Title : Simple tiled motion of photo display
The entry’s sample is heavy on the CPU. Then I create simple motion of photo display. It is easy to use motion in various cases.
Continue reading PV3D Sample #4 : Simple tiled motion of photo display
Title : Photoprint Effect with Lightburst
I create sample which photo tile gather in 3D space. First, capture photo as tile image, second I make lightburst with BitmapData perlinNoise method.
Continue reading PV3D Sample #3 : Photoprint Effect with Lightburst
Title : Exploded Fireworks in Sky
I use BitmapEffectLayer which is new function of Papervision3D 2.0(Greate White) for motion blur. This sample can setup position of two angle.
Title : Reflection Butterfly
I use Math.sin and cos for flying of butterfly. First, double wind should be used by sin wave. Second, parent butterfly, too. And this sample use RefrectionView which is new base class of Papervision3D 2.0(GreateWhite).